Love Notes... Joe d' Mango

Joe 'd Mango... the soothing voice, good advises, memorable love stories... I first heard about his radio program "Love Notes" when i was a freshman in college way back 1996. While me and my college buddy Aissa was exchanging stories, she mentioned it to me and told me a story he heard on the said radio program.. I became so attached to the story that made me curious about the show. Immediately after knowing the program's schedule, i tried to listen to it on the radio as often as i could. Although my schedule prevents me from listening to it on a regular basis, i asked my friend if she could occasionally narrate to me the episodes or stories that i missed.. It was also aired on TV, on Channel 5 if I am not mistaken but it only lasted for several seasons. It's been a while since the last time i listened to Love Notes but it will always be a part of me. Here are two videos of Joe d Mango's narrations i got from youtube.. Hope you will enjoy it..



Comments :

2 comments to “Love Notes... Joe d' Mango”
Anonymous said...

where is he anyway?busbe

Anonymous said...

where is joe the mango? ireacat