Today marks the 1st Anniversary of Ninja Saga and the Village of Fire is holding a carnival.
Carnival badges is up for grab and many badges you earn until the carnival end the higher chance you have exchange it to good item. But before you earn a carnival badge you have to pass the daily anniversary mission.
The first anniversary mission is the Ninja's Eye the rule is simple just complete 2 level by clicking the difference of two images (random set) in given set of time, you are only allow to have 5 missed.

It took me almost 30 minutes to complete this mission and I managed to grab the images
Here are some of the images of the test I took. Hope this will help
click image to view large screen

sabes la del perro dime porfa
thx a lot.. i have a badge heheh
thax bro,,
nice tips, ang helpfull,,
add me in FB and your clan (if you have account in ninja saga):
thax info bro,,
add me in saga :
thank you im having a hard time finishing this exam kindly please submit more if it's possible.
The "Merry X-Mas" one please....
By : giE level 40....
do you have anything on the token picture.....
how about the merry christmas and token (missing 1)...
what about the girl w/ easter eggs i guess...(is pixelized pic different from non-pixelized)....grrr!!!
yo se la del perro agregenme al face